[plug] Linux newbie questions

garry garbuck at tpg.com.au
Sat Jul 13 15:28:53 WST 2002


A mirror is simply a local web site (can be http, ftp etc...) that repeats 
("mirrors") what is on a popular server. Examples are Debian, linux kernel 
etc. It reduces overseas (read really_really_expensive) traffic..

WAIX is an infrastructure agreement by most on the WA based ISPs, which 
allows cheap or free transfer of data between them. Thats why ppl going to 
ADSL here want free_WAIX_traffic.. It is not counted in their download 
allowance... Free is good.

I'm not full bottle on WAIX, but if you googled for it (say WAIX + Perth) 
you'd get the full story.

Some of the ISPs are NOT part of WAIX. I guess the most notable one refusing 
to be part of it is Telstra and it's Bigpond. Hence, lots of us avoid Bigpond 
like the plague. As far as I know, there is not equivalent arrangements in 
the lesser (eastern) states. It comes down to that the people who set up the 
internet links here in The Early Days(tm) had a clue.

As far as I know, the reason Telstra won't join is because they are knobs.



On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 14:43, James Elliott wrote:
> Hi all
> I owuld be obliged if you could tell me what these terms mean - they come
> up often and it is high time I found out what they are:
> mirror

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