[plug] Motherboard Problems

Trent Lloyd trent at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Tue Jul 16 20:44:04 WST 2002


I have a Dual-Socket5 ASUS PCI/E-P54NP4 motherboard.

It has two AT power connectors, both with wires leading to parts of the

The problem is, on one of the plugs, if plugged into a power supply the
power supply fan wont come on, and on the other one, the power supply
fan comes on but there is still no power to the board as far as i can

Is the no power supply fan indicate the board is shot, or do i need
power on both plugs to make it work? I've tried searching google and
ASUS's stupid asp website is broke so i can't find much there, unless i
can read korean on which site i can find info...

- Trent [Lathiat]

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