[plug] Why oh why are we tortured

proXy davyd at iprimus.com.au
Wed Jul 17 23:57:54 WST 2002

On Tue, 2002-07-16 at 10:37, I am the LinuxAlien wrote:

> Then why is Deb the only distro that I can get to run on a 166mhz, computer 
> with a 400mb hard disk and play games under xwindows with the hard drive 
> only at 37% full... and still get work done?
> Tim

Your not trying hard enough. I didn't have any troubles back when my
desktop was incredibly low-end. When it took me 9 hrs to compile
evolution. 16 hrs to compile SSL and over a day to fully compile wine.

> LinuxAlien                ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
> linuxalien at optusnet.com.au `6_ 6  )   `-.  (    ).`-.__.`)
> Riverton, WA               (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `.``-..-'
> Linux Rules              _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
>                          (il),-''  (li),'   ((!.-'
> Au National Linux Conference 2003: http://conf.linux.org.au/

This .sig has a nice point, you are advocating linux.conf.au. However,
the correct address is http://www.linux.conf.au
There are a few things that you don't need in your .sig though: your
email address is already at the top of this email, no one need to know
that Linux Rules we know that you think that from your name, and ascii
art has no place in any signature at all.

I would consider a revised signature, something like:
Riverton, Perth, WA

Australian Linux Technical Conference, Perth 2003 http://linux.conf.au
Which would fir in the more standard 4 lines (yes I am aware I have a 5
line sig, that will be fixed post january :)


linux.conf.au Perth 2003 <http://www.linux.conf.au>

PGP Fingerprint <http://davyd.ucc.asn.au/pgp>
08B0 341A 0B9B 08BB 2118  C060 2EDD BB4F 5191 6CDA
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