[plug] Commercial Banter [was]: Woody out, new testing is 'sarge'.

Michael Hunt michael.j.hunt at usa.net
Tue Jul 23 13:34:18 WST 2002

Brian Tombleson [mailto:brian at paradigmit.com.au]

> > Michael Hunt
> > [1] Disclaimer: I have no business association with Linux WA
> and therefore
> > feel I can make _constructive_ comments about there web page *grin*. The
> > dealing I have had with them have always been good and I can whole
> heartedly
> > recommend them to any one looking for Linux Services.
> >
> > P.S. I can also recommend Leon for Linux services as well. *grin*
> .. and all those listed on Jeremy's linux consultants list .. and
> all those
> involved in SLPWA .. etc.
> One of the reasons these two exist at all is because the organizers and
> participants believe PLUG forums should remain entirely non-commercial.
> - Brian.

True. I probably was walking the very fine tightrope line that exists
between commercial and non commercial postings. However my motive for the
post was entirely pure. In actual fact I was wanting to set it straight for
the record that _any_ perceived criticism people might read into my post was
entirely unfounded. I also wanted to set it straight that I am not entirely
biased to one Linux service provider and hence my second comment.

You can take solace Brian in the fact that I had a thought to include a
third comment plugging myself as an out of work Linux consultant but that
such an action would have crossed the threshold of what I/is considered to
be ethical on this list, hence the reason I didn't. I'm also the very un
pushy type that I think of all the commercial Linux people I know I'm
probably the least to worry about in a negative way.

As a participant in PLUG I think it is going to be utterly impossible to
remove all commercial banter from the list. The little I have seen on the
list I consider to have been positive and useful to members of PLUG. I do
agree that we don't want PLUG to go to the commercial dogs and I don't
really want to see the list being used as spam for someone's services.

Anyone else care to comment ???

Michael Hunt

P.S. I apologise to anyone who my earlier/above comments might have

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