[plug] [OT] Computer Angels
Harry McNally
harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Fri Jul 26 13:14:36 WST 2002
If anyone on list has been thinking about honing their Linux (debian mainly ;)
skills then Computer Angels is always looking for people handy with a floppy
disk and a kettle plug <wink><wink> :)
We have our AGM coming up on 24 August and if you'd like to vote or put your
hand up for a committee position, we will have to have your application by this
Saturday so your app can be considered at the committee meeting on Sunday.
Pertickly those PLUGers that seem to have become defacto Computer Angels already
<nudge><nudge> :)
If you are interested, please contact me off-list so that I can send you the
More formally .. <ah-hem>. The Secretary has advised that the following
committee positions are open to Computer Angel's members who are over the age of
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Participant Liaison, Training Coordinator,
Volunteer Coordinator, Web Master, Logistics Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator,
Workshop Coordinator
If you are pushed for time (as everybody is) we have a workshop tommorow if you
would like to drop in and complete a form. 10am till 2pm, 228 Great Eastern
Highway, Belmont (corner Kalgoolie Street next to Ascot GGs).
I've borrowed a bigger hub and lots o' cat5 cables today (thanks to Tony BT) so
that we can get cracking on a heap of machines that people in the workshop have
advised are stacked up ready to install.
All the best
Harry McNally
oh .. membership is $10. There are plans to put it up to $12 so it's easier to
pro-rata but that would be after the AGM if agreed to.
linux.conf.au 2003 The Australian Linux Technical Conference
http://linux.conf.au/ 22-25 January 2003 in Perth, Western Australia
Are you a computer angel? http://www.ca.asn.au/
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