[plug] Speakers needed.

Adrian Woodley Adrian at Diskworld.com.au
Mon Jul 29 12:15:40 WST 2002

Perhaps ppl could suggest what topics they'd like covered and we could then find
appropriate speakers/they'd put them selves forward to cover said topic.

Adrian Woodley
Diskworld Computer & IT

Australian Linux Conference, Perth 2003

Quoting "Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima" <tony at cantech.net.au>:

> Hello All,
> 	As is common place I have run out of sepakers for the Tuesday
> night meetings at TAFE.  If you are willing to talk please contact me
> offlist
> so I can arrange it.  If you know of someone in Perth that would make a good
> speaker on Linux then pelase contact me offlist with thier details and I'll
> try and arrange it
> Ta. Tony
>    Jan 22-25 2003           Linux.Conf.AU            http://linux.conf.au/
> 		  The Australian Linux Technical Conference!

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