[plug] Urgent RAID Help needed

Matt Kemner zombie at penguincare.com.au
Wed Jul 31 19:21:37 WST 2002

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, quoth James Bromberger:

> Anyways, checking the log showed:
> > Jul 30 03:03:27 phobe kernel: hdc: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }

> two disks set into a group of identicla partitions. Now, if a disk was bad,
> I would have expected all partitions on that disk to have gone bad, not
> just partition 7 (which, of course, has may main fileshare on it, of course).

Not necessarily

That error usually means "bad sectors" - which would only affect a small
area of one partition, probably limited to a handful of files. In fact,

I've got a drive here which I've been using for storage of large (600MB+)
files, which has bad sectors on it, and all I did was move the offending
files to a /DAMAGED/ directory, and the rest of the drive was fine for a
while.  However, once you start getting bad sectors, they tend to spread,
so now would be a good time to return that drive of yours for warranty.
Mine's >5 years old, so I'm afraid that's not an option.

 - Matt

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