[plug] [OT] Fwd: Microsoft pop3 closure Hotmail

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Jun 11 09:23:01 WST 2002

Microsoft, the people who want you to put all of your eggs in one .NET:

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Microsoft pop3 closure Hotmail
         and MSN accounts and closure of pop 3 service
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 16:49:22 -0400
From: "Danny Brunt" <ZAPPED>

Re Hotmail Pop 3
Microsoft Hotmail has and is infected with the KLEZ-38 virus
This has taken down all pop3 mail servers attached to the hotmail system
so Microsoft has cut ties.
As a result Microsoft has used the chance to discontinue all pop3 access
from hotmail meaning you cannot check your regular mail.
So beware mail into your hotmail account
Best defense close outlook before you get your hotmail.
You may not get infected but the hotmail system is infected.
PCCillin has detection and can quarantine before the virus can trip.
Cant comment on other virus detection systems

Ok More bad news.
Re paying extra for extra space on Hotmail to extend its mail or having
a MSN account
Any person paying for extra space for hotmail
Will be given space
However if you are late or miss your payments the account is locked for
7 days against receiving new mail far exceeding the 4 day retry system
set by mail systems by three days there fore loss of mail.
THEN if you don't pay the stored mail is deleted (Microsoft's argument
is when you opened the email account you signed saying you do not own
and they may use the information contained within therefore they have
the right)
BTW I know people this has been happening to.
It ensures Microsoft get their money on time. Same thing applies if
you're over on your credit card.

When you open a new account from Microsoft example MSN
Microsoft has removed the ability to use pop3 as part of the account
They have also removed or are in the process of removing or restricting
access to the newsgroups.
The news groups are connected and intertwined with  the pop3 system.
MSN will give you 10 meg of web based mail accounts
There argument is that web base mail is faster

However if you are late or miss your payments the account is locked for
7 days then the information is deleted (Microsoft's argument is when you
opened again opened the email account you signed saying you do not own
and they may use the information contained within therefore they have
the right) if you read the rights and agreement carefully you will note
they are fully inside the law.

How ever if you argue and speak to a senior manager (which might take
weeks) they may roll back the account to accept pop3 emails.
How long one can do this for I do not know and you will have to get
abusive threatening and even threaten to close the account.
This policy also applies for the extra 8 accounts users that you are
given to use msn

By the way if you think Microsoft is lonely in this area AOL is doing
the same

I have a friend who has already lost his family pics and mail and mp3s


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