[plug] woody security

garry garbuck at tpg.com.au
Wed Mar 6 06:56:22 WST 2002

I am having trouble getting my security updates entry in sources.list.. Hoping someone can see the error..

The line in mine says:
deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security testing/updates main contrib non-free

I got this from a google search, and couldnt find anything much different for woody.


Another question.. does the location string just get replaced with the quoted mirror location?

deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security testing/updates main contrib non-free
                     "location string"

I ask this because I find the directory (and consequently url) structure repetitive and confusing.

eg for a fictitious university..

"ftp://rottnest.edu.au/pub/mirror" is the quoted mirror address..

Does this become the sources.list entry?

deb ftp://rottnest.edu.au/pub/mirror/ testing/updates main contrib non-free

This sounds easy I'm sure, but is frustrating the hell out of me!!


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