[plug] ext3

Trent Lloyd trentlloyd at iprimus.com.au
Wed Mar 6 18:44:27 WST 2002

At 06:27 PM 6/03/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>What is ext3? Should i change to it? How do you convert to ext3?

basicly, ext3 is known as a journalling filesystem
it does cool things like keep track of what files are open/closed so fsck 
takes alot less time
and other cool stuff.. other people can fill in here

>also what is RAID?

raid is several things, it involves linking up several hard drives to work 
as one
as far as i know it can either mirror all the data accross hard drives for 
backup or combine all hard drives to create one really big drive

there are hardware and software based RAID solutions

this is just basic...


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