[plug] 'net to wa unis

Trent Lloyd trentlloyd at iprimus.com.au
Sat Mar 9 23:28:54 WST 2002

At 11:26 PM 9/03/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>Can someone with knowledge of the 'net topology in WA tell me why access
>to all the WA Universities would all be down tonight at the same time?

well the entirety of UWA seems to be down
www.uwa.edu.au flame.ucc.gu.uwa.edu etc etc etc

anyone know why?

>This is when using dingoblue as my isp, if that makes a difference.
>BTW, dingoblue announced a couple of days ago that they are closing
>down.  'Twas good while it lasted.  Fortunately DSL has just become
>available where I live.
>Russell Steicke
>-- Fortune says:
>                                 FROM THE DESK OF
>                                 Rapunzel
>Dear Prince:
>         Use ladder tonight -- you're splitting my ends.

Version: 3.1
GIT D- a--- C++++ L++ P+ E--- W+++ N o+ w++ O---- M-- V-- PS+++ PE Y PGP 
t+++ 5 X R tv b+ DI-- D++ G e- h++ r- z

-*- If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem -*-

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