[plug] nasty spammer

Mark Nold markn at enspace.com
Wed Mar 27 22:24:47 WST 2002

>Should (named) be running, on a dialup/gateway/mailserver/firewall box?

Depends, do you have a separate DNS server? with small setups the firewall
becomes everything from mailserver to smb server and dns... and even print

This is probably not a good idea. You _should_ have a firewall with as
minimal software setup on it as possible (especially mail and older bind's
which have proven to be vulnerable). There are some dedicated solutions to
firewalls such as Smoothwall and one or two others i dont know about. Just
get a low spec P-120 with 100Mb harddisk and off you go. This is an excelent
way to secure everything. (though im not a Smoothwall fan)

Or you can install the latest Redhat (or any other distro's you zealots ;)
and harden it. The 74 page "Security Quick Start HOWTO for Redhat Linux" is
a good place to start. (www.linuxdoc.org i think)

I am no expert in the area but for an organisation with more than one server
on at all times you should have a dedicated firewall.


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