[plug] ? Compatible hardware ? Sharp PC-AX40 Notebook ?

Mark Nold markn at enspace.com
Fri May 3 01:53:23 WST 2002

I bought a Sharp Laptop from "Porta...." 2 years ago and found that it
worked well with Linux (though check the model on linux-laptops) but i found
this particular "Porta...." shop to be shite for support, my laptop was in
twice in the first 8 months. First time for 4 weeks and the second for
nearly 8 weeks (3 months out of 8....) I had to threaten them with a lawyer
to do anything about it.

They didn't seem to give a rats about you after they got your cash, waiting
as i did many times in their service desk (away from sales) i saw a lot of
other pissed off clients... i wonder why?

In Portacraps defence I also found after ringing Sharp that 8-12 weeks was
acceptable for warrenty repairs..... oh and did i mention heat? Those tiny
thin laptops get extreemly hot... which causes problems but is also
uncomfortable for a "lap"-top.

Again 2 years ago and they may have improved their game (Portablah and
Sharp) but who knows. Cavaet Emptor.

Toshiba, have a Satalite 1800 for around $2600 that will probably be my next
purchase.. havent checked the Linux side of things though on this. My last
job (3 years ago) we worked soley with Toshiba laptops and had few
problems.. even with the really old models some of the staff were using.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel B [mailto:cottmain at iinet.net.au]
Sent: Thursday, 2 May 2002 8:42 PM
To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject: [plug] ? Compatible hardware ? Sharp PC-AX40 Notebook ?

Hi Plug,
I've checked Mandrake compatibility lists, but can't find the model, and
from the little I know they're probably the most up to date lists. (?)

"Port......" still have a special on Sharp PC-AX40 P111 explaining that
Sharp imported too many .  The man in the shop assures me it should run
Linux as 'it has separate video from memory and you won't find that
compatibility with any of the other current notebooks.'

I would buy second hand if I could find something.  I'm looking at $3k of
borrowing with a 2year warranty... so with the money still traveling in the
wrong direction I want to make a good decision, but my other choices are
second hand models from $700  or $1000 up, but I want to get something so I
can take it around to get some help with my studies.

Any thoughts / advice would be greatly appreciated.


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