[plug] suggestion: PLUG 4 Schools
sol at autonomon.net
Mon May 6 16:40:08 WST 2002
> >Question: is it
> > reasonable / ethical to start a "to do"-type page on the PLUG website
> > where mission-critical applications / conditions are listed and against
> > which people can report OSS alternatives? For instance "application =
> > word processing, critical condition = compatibility with Word version X"
> > to which people might respond "StarOffice, OpenOffice, ...." That's an
> > example only, I had in mind more esoteric applications like timetabling,
> > groupware, student records, library management, etc.
> Yes, it's possible; just needs someone to volunteer to be maintainer
> of that section of the site.
Pick me Fat Cat! I've been doing a bit of snooping lately on this kinda stuff
and wouldn't mind tackling this topic. Of course contributions would be
Isn't the PLUG site using some sort of CMS (Zope, I'm guessing?). A template
into which I can drop text would be handy?
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