[plug] Fwd: [school-discuss] Donated Computers announcement, Final

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue May 7 21:45:18 WST 2002

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Subject: [school-discuss] Donated Computers announcement, Final
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 08:24:36 -0400
From: Doug Loss <drloss at suscom.net>
To: seul-edu at seul.org, schoolforge-discuss at schoolforge.net

What's below is the final draft.  I've incorporated a new page I
just created that has Paul and Keith's impressions from the 2002
ACPE conference on it (as Leon requested), and new links for
Congressman Núñez's material.  Let's get this out!



The Internet, Tuesday, 07 May 2002: In an official announcement from
the SchoolForge[0] group today, spokesman Leon Brooks refuted
statements on Microsoft's website which have been widely interpreted
as a roadblock to the acceptance of donated computers by schools and
other needy organisations.

"Using Linux, OpenOffice.org and other Open Source software, a
school or charity can safely accept almost any donated computer," he
said. "Simply wipe it and replace the software with Linux[1] and
Open Source applications[2], then use the computer as a powerful
workstation or server. It's an excellent idea to erase the existing
operating system anyway - this also erases viruses and trojan
horses, protects the donor's privacy, and complies with the typical
EULA[3] - so why not upgrade to Linux while you're there?"

Brooks also noted that Linux removed many of the burdens, costs and
legal risks of licence management and software asset auditing faced
by most businesses, organisations and individuals.

The price tag is also attractive. "School decisions are often
dominated by cost; much Open Source software is available at little
or no cost, and runs well on donated computers," Mr Brooks
explained, "Linux is easy to set up as a fast diskless workstation
or `thin client', so many schools are rolling out networks using
this robust technology with both donated and new equipment."

"On top of this, Open Source software is immune to almost all
existing viruses, has an excellent security record, is extremely
reliable, and in an educational setting often provides a deeper
spontaneous involvement in computers than programs deliberately
designed for the classroom, of which it has many."

The most important benefits were outlined[4] by Peruvian Congressmen
Edgar Núñez, Daniel Estrada and Jacques Ackerman after sponsoring a
bill to require State agencies to use Open Source where possible:
greater autonomy, development of local talent, greater security,
more complete accountability, and adherence to standards

The ecological advantage in keeping computers and toxic parts out of
landfill speak for themselves.

"Microsoft claims on their website that `it is a legal requirement
that pre-installed operating systems remain with the computer for
the life of the machine',"[5] Brooks said, "I see this kind of
problem often with Microsoft's software, as with viruses and
security issues. The approach that many schools, charities and
public bodies have taken is simply to use other
software without this handicap. This happened[6] when Oregon and
Washington schools recently found themselves being pushed into a
software audit."

The Simple End User Linux group has dozens of case studies from real
schools online[7] showing the immediate financial advantages of this
strategy. The K-12 Linux Terminal Server Project group[8] are also
recording the extensive benefits of the thin-client approach. They
have scores of real examples submitted from real schools by the
people using it on the front lines.

Organisations of schools and charities[9] have been springing up to
take advantage of this newly publicised wealth of software.
SchoolForge is one of the many alliances formed to give schools a
running start in Open Source.


SchoolForge is a rapidly growing international coalition of over 70
schools and education-related organisation dedicated to enhancing
communication, sharing resources, and increasing the transparency of
development in the area. As well as providing documentation and
experience, SchoolForge can arrange to field volunteers to help
schools and charitable organisations get started in the stable,
secure, safe world of Linux.

SchoolForge is always looking for new associates. The benefits of
united and widespread negotiating power are considerable.


Leon Brooks[10] is computer consultant working from Perth, Western
Australia. Operating through the consulting companies CyberKnights
and Computer Clinic, Leon has worked with Open Source operating
systems (including LTSP) and applications in a variety of
businesses, private and State schools. Business is booming, and both
companies are interested in adding talented local Open Source
consultants to their teams. Leon also uses and recommends membership
in the Perth Linux User Group. His business is 100% Linux and Open
Source, and so (except for one Macintosh) is his household; there
are Linux applications that his wife would fight to keep.


[0] http://www.schoolforge.net/

[1] See http://www.linux.org/ - other good OS choices may be found
at  http://www.freebsd.org/ http://www.openbsd.org/

[2] http://www.openoffice.org/ or http://www.koffice.org/ for
excellent Open Source office suites; http://www.mozilla.org/ or
http://www.konqueror.org/ for web browser suites; Mozilla or
http://kmail.kde.org/ or
http://www.ximian.com/products/ximian_evolution/ for email clients.
There is an enormous list of Open Source applications at

[3] For example, the copy at
http://nl.linux.org/geldterug/license.html says "Microsoft may
terminate this EULA [...and...] you must destroy all copies of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all of its component parts."

[4] The original letter from Microsoft Peru taking issue with the
proposed new law is at
http://www.pimientolinux.com/peru2ms/alt_ms_to_villanueva.html while
Congressman Núñez's response is at

[5] http://www.microsoft.com/education/?id=DonatedComputers first
Q&A question, as at 05 May 2002.

[6] http://www.seul.org/edu/acpe2002.html including these notable
quotes: `No one was talking about using software without paying for
it. It's just that when they came face to face with the power an
EULA gives MS, they saw things in a different light. MS software in
schools was seen as a logistical and financial liability when
compared with GPL licensed alternatives.' and `The Portland Public
School switchboard was jammed for two days with calls from Linux
users volunteering to come to PDX from all over the west coast to
help with software migration.'

[7] http://casestudy.seul.org/

[8] http://www.k12ltsp.org/casestudy.html

[9] Western Australia's Computer Angels[9a] already use Linux rather
than risk being destroyed at the whim of a well-supported
business[9b] as `PCs for Kids'[9c] effectively was late last year,
and a similar organisation in New Zealand was in 1997[9d] - although
their primary reasons for choosing Linux is that it provides
computer literacy (as opposed to rote patterning with specific
applications) far more effectively, and costs far less than
available proprietary systems. Linux suppliers and users have a long
tradition of supporting[9e] worthy organisations. Larger and
American organisations are not immune, there's a long list of
victims[9f], with only one fine under USD$50,000 and some exceeding

[9a] http://www.ca.asn.au/

[9b] http://www.bsaa.com.au/

[9c] http://www.pcsforkids.org/



[9f] http://www.softwaremetering.com/fines.html

[10] leon AT cyberknights DOT com DOT au;
http://www.cyberknights.com.au/ leon AT cclinic DOT com DOT au;
http://www.cclinic.com.au/ http://plug.linux.org.au/


Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss at bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant


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