[plug] URGENT: DON'T READ THE `HELLO HONEY' MESSAGE if you're on OutLook

Colin Muller colin at twobluedots.com.au
Thu May 9 12:04:36 WST 2002

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 11:43:10AM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> So - just remember to think about what "a reasonable level of support" 
> means if you happen to be that "knowledgeable friend or sysadmin or 
> family member." OK for 1 system p'haps but what if you're helping out 
> lots of people.

Nothing wrong with starting with just one. Within a few weeks that one
will be able to answer others' most basic questions if they decide
they want to change too. Each one teach one. And if the others are
gamers and Linux is inappropriate for their computer use, then yes, of
course, it would be silly for them to change.

As an alternative to Mozilla Mail, RH 7.3 apparently comes with
Evolution, which seems to get good reports. I haven't tried any recent
releases of it myself, though. I'm faintly surprised that you have
users who have got to the point of exposing a Mozilla weakness with
deeply-nested IMAP folders: every non-geek user I've ever supported
hasn't wanted much hierarchical structure in mail folders at all.


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