[plug] Fwd: e-mail from planetmirror re free waix access

Daniel cottmain at iinet.net.au
Thu May 16 10:15:58 WST 2002

Hi Plug, I thought this might be of interest.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Re: size of planetmirror, waix access supplied by
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 10:38:34 +1000 (EST)
From: matt carter <matt at planetmirror.com>
  cc robwise at comindico & plug

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Daniel wrote:
> Hi, I wonder if  you can help me please.
> I read the following on a newsgroup:
> "ComIndico announced on the WAIX list that they were supposed to be
> stopping peering their eastern states network on WAIX.  So even though
> PlanetMirror etc are still peered on WAIX at the
> moment, if you're joining an ADSL provider that offers free WAIX, then I'd
> be checking to make sure it still is peered on the WAIX before downloading
> a couple of isos. "
> We in Western Australia have had great value from Planetmirror and really
> appreciate it.   If the access to the data changes many people won't be
> able to afford access [and if it is not the same for all states it will be
> very discrimatory for WA].
> I know you might well suggest I contact Comindico direct, but I  thought
> I'd try you first as you are the ones providing the service we get so much
> value from.  Could you find out if the free access from WAIX to
> Planetmirror is to continue please?

Hi Daniel,

I know Jason has responded to you, but I'd thought I'd jump in here with
some more info to give you an idea of where things are at.

Which newsgroup did you read this in?

The announcement from Comindico in relation to WAIX is specific to transit
traffic between WAIX and AusBone/WebCentral. (Which was being carried for
free by Comindico)

This means, whilst Comindico will not be providing transit across their
network, they are still a WAIX participant, and Comindico connected
customers (as PlanetMirror is configured presently) are still connected at
these points. (I have confirmed this with Rob Wise @ Comindico)

You can use the WAIX traceroute page at http://mrtg.waia.asn.au/test.php3
in combination with the list of WAIX connected networks listed at
http://mrtg.waia.asn.au/ to assist you in determining who is connected and

That said, I don't know what Comindico's arrangements are with WAIX (if
any) in terms of exchanging routing information so I'd treat the fact you
are getting free PM traffic as a great thing to have while it's there, but
it may be something that from the PM/Comindico side no-one is is obliged
to provide.

We have attemped to make PM as centralised a resource as possible and
available over comindico peering links, but for a variety of reasons this
may change as the internet is a dynamic environment.

There will always be people who are excluded from free access to
planetmirror because of geographical and cost limitations. Whilst I take
onboard your comment about it being discriminatory for WA these are just
simple (whilst unfortunate) realities of networking across the vast
distances in this country at bandwidth levels we're talking about.

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