[plug] Opinion : RedHat 7.3 First Impressions?

Tim Bowden BOWDENTJ at sesmailp1.curtin.edu.au
Thu May 23 08:43:15 WST 2002

I have been using it for about a week or so now.  I like it, but I liked 
7.2 so long as I didn't try to switch desktops/ w/m's and expect happiness 
and light.   As far as the gui goes, it seems lots of little things have 
been polished.  The sort of things that can be minor annoyances but you 
live with anyway.  I am only using for a desktop machine, i.e. no services 
like web, mail, samba etc. so I can't comment there.  For me, it is fine.

Tim Bowden

At 08:55 PM 22/05/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>Before I start :- I'm not looking for flames or distro wars, just first
>Has anybody got any first impressions to tell, regarding RedHat 7.3?
>I'm a little coy since I don't have a spare machine, RedHat 7.2 was a
>farce, and I've already seen a production box with it on (not mine...)
>So far it looks prettier (nice touches on the boot and GDM/KDM windows,
>the installer seems to runs quicker, there seems to be quite a few
>significantly updated packages, and it seems to play nicer with Windows
>Other than that, I'd like to hear some well-founded biatching and
>complaining before installing over my old RH7.1 system.
>Thanks heaps,
>Craig F.

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