[plug] ADSL modem/router

Kai vk6ksj at siwa.com.au
Sat May 25 22:50:43 WST 2002

G'day Richard,

D-Link sell the DSL-500 and DSL-504 which might interest you.
The 500 is a DSL router, the 504 is a DSL router with built in 4 port 

Check it out here:
and here:

The DSL-300 is also available but that is an ethernet modem and not a 
router but it might do the trick ?


Price wise ? I think the 500 sells for around $400 RRP but don't quote 
me on that. Ben Jensz'll prolly be able to give you an idea on that 
since he's up on the prices much more than I am and he ownes a 500 
already (or did you buy a 504 ? I can't remember) :)

AFAIK Alcatel also have DSL router and ether-modems available but I 
haven't worried about checking them out.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard" <wpickett at iprimus.com.au>
To: <plug at plug.linux.org.au>
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: [plug] ADSL modem/router

 > We are on the verge of getting ADSL (with a little luck :) and I was
 > wondering has anyone has heard of such a product as an ADSL modem and 
 > built into one unit, such that two, or more, systems could be connected
 > simultaneously to one ADSL filter? I know a Linux box could be set up as
 > gateway/router but it's not entirely my decision to make. I have seen 
 > products in magazines (APC, still bought for the trade ad's :) and on 
the net
 > that seem to suggest this kind of functionality but are not explicit. 
 > anyone recommend any product that might fit this bill? Prices? Sold by?
 > Thanks.
 > Richard

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