[plug] Win a free ticket to Linuxconf - enter yourself!

Adrian Woodley Adrian at Diskworld.com.au
Fri Nov 8 00:26:29 WST 2002

I believe that Trent is organising an IPv6 mini-conf as well. We're currently
arranging what times/days things will be happening (ie, I'm not a good morning

Adrian Woodley
Diskworld Computer & IT

Australian Linux Conference, Perth 2003

Quoting Leon Brooks <leon at brooks.fdns.net>:

> On Thursday 07 November 2002 06:58 pm, Bret Busby wrote:
> > Did anyone end up doing anything about organising the Red Hat Mini
> > Conference?
> Er, what RedHat miniconference? (-:
> So far, we have Debian, education, and gaming (-: Yo, Adrian! Yuda Mayun!
> :-)
> Cheers; Leon

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