[plug] Demundi Debian Distro for Musicians

Shayne shayne at guild.murdoch.edu.au
Sat Nov 16 22:09:53 WST 2002

Just made a cool discovery.
Demundi Debian Distro..... It's a debian distro for musicians 
featuring Ardour debs (Joy. Ardour is verrrrrry cool, but I've been
baffled as hell trying to get it going on deb as the author won't even
do tarballs let alone RPMS and DEBS , and I just can't get CVS going
thru my proxy....
Oh and it is totally dependant on every bleeding edge library on the planet.



Heres the sources.list mod.....
deb http://http.demudi.org/debian woody local main contrib non-free
deb-src http://http.demudi.org/debian woody local main contrib non-free

apt-get update ... wheee!

Now all I gotta do is figure out how to get apt to work via proxy.

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