[plug] Re: "stealing"?

garry garbuck at westnet.com.au
Sun Nov 17 10:53:33 WST 2002

Using the same logic, I paraphrase..

The notion of powered flight did not always exist. To include it as a
given in a statement which is presented as an immutable truth is to beg
a couple of questions.

I'll accept an argument for respecting powered flight on the basis that,
well, it's the way our societies currently do some things, and until or
unless we come up with something better, it's one of the things we use
and respect for the sake of timely and economic travel. I take powered
flights myself, for that sort of reason.But powered flight is just one
of the possible ways in which we could deal with vast distances while
maintaining relative safety and personal economic responsibility; and
some of the greatest examples of travel and exploration were under
conditions in which powered flight played no role.

Neither are great pre 20th century trips diminished by using the
currently available methods..

If I buy a ticket on a powered flight, I shouldn't expect to take my
friends for free. The ticket is for the provider to provide ME with
transport. I should expect that the flight will constitute the entire
contracted journey, and not be involved in a crash which requires part
of the journey on foot, boat or ambulance. 



On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 09:57, Colin Muller wrote:
> > Copyright infringement == stealing.
> The notion of copyright did not always exist. To include it as a given
> in a statement which is presented as an immutable truth is to beg a
> bunch of questions.
> I'll accept an argument for respecting copyright on the basis that,
> well, it's the way our societies currently do things, and until or
> unless we come up with something better, it's one of the things we
> observe and respect for the sake of social and economic order. I
> observe copyrights myself, for that sort of reason. But copyright is
> just one of the possible ways in which we could deal with intellectual
> property while maintaining social and economic order and producing
> mighty works of intellectual production; and some of the greatest
> works of the human intellect have been produced under conditions in
> which copyright played no role.
> Colin

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