[plug] starting a linux mag?

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 18 10:47:41 WST 2002

I'm half-flah on this (new word!), on the one hand, I want an Aussie based 
mag that doesn't cost half my bank balance and has local events etc, and on 
the other hand I want simply a few bob to get by on. If they nick the idea, 
then I hope I can get a job with them as a writer. I'm more than happy (if 
not happier) to be working for someone else than being the burly bloke in 
charge (and I don't weigh enough for that, lol!). For selflessness' sake, a 
resulting Linux mag for Oz would be an ultimate win and I wouldn't have lost 
out, because it's not like I have a mag of my own atm. I am desperate for 
paycheques though......

Make lunch, not war.

>On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 20:23, Peter J. Nicol wrote:
> >
> > The other way is to put a team together, and go to a publisher.  But 
> > is little to stop them stealing your idea outright and starting up with
> > their own team.
>If the idea is just to have an Oz based Linux mag then Cons Press (who
>do APC I think) or some other techie publishing house 'stealing' the
>idea and running with it would be a good thing.  If the idea is to do a
>magazine for the sake of doing it ourselves and making a viable business
>out of it, then it would be a bad thing.
>  What's the real aim here? Linux Magazine or profitable business that
>happens to publish a Linux magazine to make its profit?
>Tim Bowden

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