[plug] Refresh ssh keys

J Michael Gilks gilksjm at iinet.net.au
Mon Nov 25 20:11:57 WST 2002

I have just had to reinstall Mandrake on my laptop. During this I kept my old 
/home directory, but changed the IP address to allow access to a shiny new 
gateway, router I set up.
Unfortunately, nothing is ever easy.
I can now connect through the gateway and the firewall and squid seem to be 
working nicely.
However, ssh will not work to any machines on the network. Bang go my dreams 
of a monitorless server quietly chugging in the background, being 
administered by webmin and ssh from the internal network.
Reading man pages for ssh, ssh-add and etc has left me fairly confused and in 
need of assistance.
The keys ssh uses seem to be stored in $HOME for each user on the computer.
Can I refresh the keys for all users, or does each user need to refresh their 
own key, and how do they do it.
Also I am confused about the server. Will I need to refresh or remove keys 
from the receiving workstation and the server.
All hints, tips or directions to relevant resources will be gratefully 

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