[plug] Refresh ssh keys

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Sat Nov 30 10:38:47 WST 2002

Why the re-post, your question had been answered as far as I can tell.

Anyway, the very short version fix is
	rm -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts
(not the proper way but will work if you can't be stuffed deleting just 
the right keys)

Do that in each home directory on each client machine and they'll stop 
complaining about connecting to the ssh server.

Now its possible that you're talking about ssh RSA keys not host keys, 
in which case you would copy the user's .ssh/id_rsa.pub and on the server
	cat id_rsa.pub >>~/.ssh/authorized_hosts
inserting the key into the authorized_hosts file for each user ID you 
want them to be able to log in to using their private key.

There are some good articles and tutes on the 'net however on ssh pubkey 
auth so I won't go on about that.

Hope this helps.

Craig Ringer

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