[plug] Woody 'make xconfig' won't run, 'make menuconfig' does.

Bernard Blackham bernard at blackham.com.au
Thu Oct 31 20:09:11 WST 2002

On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 10:40:17AM +0800, Russell Steicke wrote:
> An alternative to all of these good ideas... use sudo.  After you have

Why be root at all? I've always built kernels as a user, and only
the final make install need be root. Even neater with Debian's
make-kpkg, just say
  make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot kernel-image

and then as root, or sudo, dpkg -i /your/kernel/image.deb
Requires that the kernel sources be owned by the user, of course.



 Bernard Blackham
 bernard at blackham.com.au
 Australian Linux Technical Conference 2003: http://www.linux.conf.au/

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