[plug] Anyone got bash tips for an old korn shell user?

Colin Muller colin at twobluedots.com.au
Thu Sep 5 07:52:00 WST 2002

On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 09:10:08AM -0400, Steege, Phil E wrote:
> Here is an excerpt from
> www.gnu.org/manual/bash-2.05a/html_node/bashref_88.html#SEC95 
> desired history entry. To search backward in the history for a particular
> string, type C-r. Typing C-s searches forward through the history.

I remember now. Trouble is, I've got Ctrl-s doing the stop scrolling
thing, so it doesn't do this forward search in bash. Anyone know how
to remap this to different keys in bash? Apart from changing over to
vi mappings, that is: although I prefer vim for editing, I prefer the
emacs mappings for the command line.


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