[plug] OT (?) low heat & low noise linux box for firewall?
Craig Foster
fostware at iinet.net.au
Sun Sep 8 22:53:54 WST 2002
Why not find a S/H celeron slot 1 motherboard (LX era)?
The fans weren't needed on celerons back then as the heatsink was
heavier. You could take a leaf out of the iMac cases and concentrate
more on ventialation rather than fans - you know, raise the case from
the floor by 30mm or so, drill a plethora of holes on the bottom, a
sieve-full of holes on the top, and a flat layer of plastic or metal
kept 10mm above the top of the case to stop dust funneling down into the
All that's required is to quieten the power supply. I'd replace the fan
from the power supply with one designed to run at 1000-1500rpm therefore
giving less noise than the faster 5000+rpm fans we're used to with CPU's
or 3000 for PSU's
You'll probably find that anything new relies not so much on good
thermal design as much as "Official" mutha-sized HSF (heat sink &fan)
But then again, that's what built in wardrobes are for once you have
adequate ventilation :)
Criag F.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel [mailto:cottmain at iinet.net.au]
> Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 8:56 PM
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: [plug] OT (?) low heat & low noise linux box for firewall?
> Hi, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a quiet
> machine to use as a linux firewall - and one that won't mind
> my room which has all the benefits of being cold in winter
> and hot in summer.
> Has anyone tried the new Via (~Cyrix) chips?
> And the low-end Intel chips - I wonder if there are any good
> 'low-noise'cooling solutions?
> Any ideas would be appreciated as I should pension off my old
> box before
> it dies.
> Thanks,
> Daniel.
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