[plug] Apache Access

Ben Jensz jensz at wn.com.au
Wed Sep 11 19:01:09 WST 2002

Looking at that again, I think you've got the order wrong on that, for 

<Directory /path/to/some/where>
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from

You're trying to allow only access from a few IP addresses aren't you?

/ Ben

Lyndon Kroker wrote:

>Here is the section of my httpd.conf that deals with the access issues.  Some 
>of the ipaddresses and directory names have been changed but the rest is as 
>per my .conf file
><Directory /var/www/html>
>    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>    AllowOverride None
>        Order Allow,Deny
>        Allow from all
>        Deny from
<snipped a lot of information>

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