[plug] mail client on win me

Michael quadfour at iinet.net.au
Mon Sep 16 17:10:58 WST 2002

On Mon, 2002-09-16 at 14:54, Tim Bowden wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having trouble getting a win me client to read mail on our 
> mailserver using either pop3 or imap.  It gives an error message
> The connection to the server has failed.
> Account: 'useraccount', Server: 'mailserver',
>  Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No,
>  Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
> The problem appears with both lookout express and mozilla mail.  The 
> settings are the same as all the other machines on the network.  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Tim Bowden

Hi Tim,

Try to telnet into the mail server directly to see if something wierd is
happening there. If not then ????

Good luck!


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