[plug] cups-libs >= 1.1.12 , libcrypto.so.2 , (dependencies)

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 25 23:04:29 WST 2002

G'day all!
I'm having a few problems installing WINE, it requires the following files:  
cups-libs >= 1.1.12 , libcrypto.so.2 .
The first requires libcrypto, what .rpm is this included in? I'm using the 
RH 7.3 CDs on a SuSE 7.3 box. Now someone gave me a bit of advice on how to 
'grep' my way out of depency problems (I think it was grep or something 
similar). He gave me a bunch of commands that showed me how to put all the 
files within the .rpms in a text file, if you're out there, can you please 
get back to me? I'm dying for those commands (I deleted it by mistake!), if 
anyone knows which .rpm libcrypto is under btw,  giz a shout eh? At least 
it'll solve the short term problems......

anarchist tomato

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