[plug] Re: setnu mode in emacs

David Buddrige buddrige at wasp.net.au
Thu Apr 10 13:36:39 WST 2003

Derek Fountain writes:
> You can jump straight to a line: M-g 

Yes, but I still need to know what line number it is to jump to.  At the 
moment, I know the line number containing the cursor because the line-number 
is displayed in the status bar.  But if I want to jump directly to a line 
several lines down containing some construct, it is very hard to know what 
line number it is.  Subsequently, I have to use cursor keys to move down, 
rather than being able to jump directly to the line concerned.  If I have a 
list of line numbers on the left-hand-side of the text, then I can see the 
line number that I want to change to.  To see what I am talking about, open 
a text file in vi and then run the command: 

    :set nu 

And you will see the line numbers displayed along the left margin.  This is 
the effect I want to obtain in xemacs. 8-) 

thanks guys 


> -- 
> "...our desktop is falling behind stability-wise and feature wise to KDE 
> ...when I went to Mexico in December to the facility where we launched gnome, 
> they had all switched to KDE3." - Miguel de Icaza, March 2003 

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