[plug] ANZ Fraud

Leon Blackwell leon at lostrealm.com
Fri Apr 11 09:17:19 WST 2003

On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 08:31:16AM +0800, Daniel Pearson wrote:
> - Due to technical update we recommend you to
>   reactivate your account.

That's always a worry...

> To log into your account, please visit the ANZ
> website at https://www.anz.com/ <> 

Linking to an IP address instead of a FQDN is an even bigger worry,
especially when the IP doesn't resolve.  If you check, that IP address
is most certainly not www.anz.com, and is not even hosted on the same
continent.  Also, while it looks to be a https link, the actual link is
only http.

You might like to report this to ANZ directly, as I'm sure they'd be
interested in warning other customers (who aren't all as technically
savvy as the rest of us  :)

 Leon Blackwell                | Many Bothans died to bring us this
 http://www.lostrealm.com/     | email.
 jabber:lionfire at lostrealm.com |

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