
caston at arach.net.au caston at arach.net.au
Sat Apr 19 12:56:37 WST 2003

Quoting Cameron Patrick <cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au>: 
> On Sat, Apr 19, 2003 at 12:20:06PM +0800, caston at arach.net.au wrote: 
> | I had to walk from Burswood to Glendalough last night so excuse any typos 
> etc 
> |   
> | Anyway I'm trying out sid at the moment and (almost everything) seems to 
> rock  
> | The only thing i've found is that doesn't rock is that anything from 
> | security.debian.org doesn't work. Should I just remove these from the 
> | apt sources file or do I just need change the address?  
> AFAIK security.d.o only contains security updates for woody and potato; 
> testing doesn't get security updates and sid normally gets security 
> updates uploaded as part of the main distribution...  So you can 
> probably safely remove it. 
> Cheers, 
> Cameron. 
Thanks. I figured it would be better to try sid than Sarge. It actually seems more stable and 
responsive.  Although I'm running it off a faster HD. 
Chris Caston  

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