[plug] Intel Raid Controller SRCU42L

Craig Foster fostware at iinet.net.au
Thu Aug 7 23:00:24 WST 2003

Scott Middleton wrote:
> Hi Pluggers
> Intel Raid Controller SRCU42L
> Does anyone know of the compatibility of this RAID controller with
> Linux. Specifically Debian and 2.4.21 Kernel.
> Product specs say Debian 2.2r4 but it may be a binary only driver
> which sorta sucks.
> I am thinking about buying it and before i spend the money i want to
> know if there are any gotchas.
> Regards

Bury the paper that suggests you use an Intel RAID card.....
Save some medium/long term money and buy one of the DPT-based Adaptec
If they can't get the intel card to work OK on Windows 2000, how the hell
are they gonna get Linux right...


Craig F.
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