[plug] frustrated.....plzz help !

Craig Foster fostware at iinet.net.au
Sun Aug 10 16:19:11 WST 2003

asif wrote:

>>> I got 'original' Redhat 8.0 CDs and tried to install it on my
>>> pretty old machine (P-II 350, 64 RAM..). But after the 'Media
>>> Check' it always shows 'FAIL'. Someone told me the problem is
>>> either with the CDs or my CD-ROM drive (Asus 50X). Then i went to
>>> my cousins house and checked on his PC with Asus 52X drive. The
>>> media check showed success. I brought that NEW CD-drive along with
>>> me and tried again on my PC. guess what.....FAIL !
>>> then i tried installing it anyway and blew up my partition as it
>>> stopped halfway showing the following message.
>>> **********
>>> The file /mnt/sysimage/var/tmp/glibc-common-2.2.93-5.i386.rpm cannot
>>> be opened. This is due to a missing file, a bad package, or bad
>>> media. Press <return> to try again.
> *****************
>>> Plz help me with this.
>>> rgds.

Check your CD-ROM's IDE cable (replace if there's kinks or sharp bends in
it). Or read the manual which *may* have come with your CD-ROM drive, as
the Asus drives support pressing the play button to set the rotational
speed of the CD. This may slow things down to a sane speed... It may be
slower, but it'll still beat one of my RH9 NFS installs which, over a
local 100M switch, took 3 hours 45 minutes...
(yay crap sis chipsets with slow IDE drives :P )


Craig F.
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