[plug] Locals get Novell issue in TSG case

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Aug 12 17:22:51 WST 2003


    Two letters written by Novell chairman and CEO, Jack Messman, to
    SCO president and CEO, Darl McBride, in June throw an entirely
    different light on the lawsuit between SCO and IBM, which the
    former initiated in March. 

    Both letters were cited by IBM as exhibits last week when it
    counter-sued SCO, on a range of issues. 

    The letters indicate that SCO has no contractual right to
    terminate IBM's AIX licence. The agreement under which IBM
    acquired these rights appears to have been a three-way
    contract under which Novell retained certain rights, one being
    the right to compel SCO to waive or revoke any of its (SCO's)
    rights under the contract.

Cheers; Leon

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