[plug] Writing 'man' pages

Pabs pabs at perthimc.asn.au
Mon Dec 8 15:53:39 WST 2003

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Derek Fountain wrote:

> Is there a simple way to create 'man' pages these days? I mean without having
> to learn tex or docbook or some other horribly complicated page formatting
> program? I've never needed to write one before and don't know the 'native'
> format. I was kind of hoping for a nice utility to reformat a simple bit of
> text. I found pod2man - is there anything else?

There's lotsa 2man type things, but I seem to remember a man page editor,
here's one:

pi  gmanedit                        - GTK+/GNOME Man pages editor
p   manedit                         - A GTK+-based Enhanced ManPage Editor

I seem to remember there being another, but can't find it.


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