[plug] [IMPORTANT] AGM Announcement

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Fri Feb 7 09:47:47 WST 2003

Okay with less than 8 hours remaining[1] we have.

Bernard Blackham	[Seconded+Accepted]
Davyd 'proXy' Madeley	[Seconded+Accepted]
Leon Brooks		[Seconded+Accepted]
Tony BT			[Seconded+Accepted]
Mark Tearle		[Seconded+Accepted]
Trent Lloyd		[Seconded+Accepted]

I'll summerise the positions people are willing to undertake _after_
nomintaions are closed.
James Henstridge	[Seconded]
Grahame Bowland		[Seconded]
Michael Hunt		[Seconded]
Mark Gaynor		[Seconded]
Mike Gilks		[Nominated]
James Andrewartha	[Declined]
John Knight		[Declined]

Anyone that doesn't expressly accept is considered a decline.  We're still
looking for people to volenteer for the following Non-Committee Roles.


Thanks again to Jacqueline, for volenteering to do the "Talks Coordintor" role

[1] echo "T-$[$(date -d"2003-02-07 17:00:00 +0800" +%s)-$(date +%s)] seconds"

Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the 
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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