[plug] Restarting ppp from a 'doze box

Mike Holland myk at plug.linux.org.au
Fri Feb 7 10:33:07 WST 2003

> > Now you have to make sure the the webserver can call the program pon.
> > I use sudo (some say its not very secure but i did not care).

Why are people talking about 'sudo' to run pppd?
I always install it suid, so it allows users to "pppd call <isp>",
where a file /etc/ppp/peers/<isp> contains the options.

  You can use group execute permission to limit access. It could be
called from a PHP script for remote windoze users.
( Or even from a windows desktop icon or start menu, using an rsh 
equivalent from a 'shortcut' script. )

Is there anything wrong with this? Too insecure?

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