The PLUG Server Name Thread was: Re: [plug] Success!

bob bob at
Thu Feb 13 21:37:31 WST 2003

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 03:45 pm, Harry McNally wrote:
> phew. thank goodness. quick. done. no further discussion needed. aye.
> sounds good. i'm with that. all of that opinion ? good. sorted. let's
> move on. :)

Uh uh you're not getting away with it _that_ easily!

> H
> for all those who've come to this thread late, it's all resolved now, ok
> ?

Common names...

Emperor penguin Aptenodytes fosteri 
King penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus / longirostris

Erect-crested penguin Eudyptes 
Fjordland penguin Eudyptes pachyyrhynchus 
Macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus 
Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes crestata 
Royal penguin Eudyptesschlegeli 
Snares penguin Eudyptes

Little Penguin Eudyptula minor

Yellow-eyed Megadyptes antipodes

Chinstrap penguin Pygosceles antarctica 
Gentoo Pygosceles papua 
Adélie Pygosceles adeliae

Jackass, Blackfooted Spheniscus demersus 
Humboldt, Peruvian Spheniscus humboldti 
Magellanic Spheniscus magellanicus 
Galapágos Spheniscus mendiculus

I think Erect-crested would be a fine host name... or possibly Macaroni


Oh, well, I guess this is just going to be one of those lifetimes.

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