[plug] Confirmation

Craig Dyke grail at enterprize.net.au
Sun Feb 23 21:09:29 WST 2003

Was wondering if someone can conclusively say that the following error
are due to a faulty CPU. To give you some background, I get the errors when
large compiles, ie compiling gcc from source.


MCE: The hardware reports a non fatal, correctable incident occured on CPU
Bank 2: d40040000000017a
Feb 22 08:34:11 Coven kernel: MCE: The hardware reports a non fatal,
correctable incident occured on CPU 0.
Feb 22 08:34:11 Coven kernel: Bank 2: d40040000000017a
MCE: The hardware reports a non fatal, correctable incident occured on CPU
Bank 2: 940040000000017a
Feb 22 08:34:26 Coven kernel: MCE: The hardware reports a non fatal,
correctable incident occured on CPU 0.
Feb 22 08:34:26 Coven kernel: Bank 2: 940040000000017a
MCE: The hardware reports a non fatal, correctable incident occured on CPU
Bank 2: d40040000000017a
Feb 22 08:34:41 Coven kernel: MCE: The hardware reports a non fatal,
correctable incident occured on CPU 0.
Feb 22 08:34:41 Coven kernel: Bank 2: d40040000000017a
CPU 0: Machine Check Exception: 0000000000000004
Bank 2: b60020000000017a at 000000000ad31280
Kernel panic: CPU context corrupt
Feb 22 08:34:45 Coven kernel: CPU 0: Machine Check Exception:
Feb 22 08:34:45 Coven kernel: Bank 2: b60020000000017a at 000000000ad31280
Feb 22 08:34:45 Coven kernel: Kernel panic: CPU context corrupt

>From here I am still able to interact with system but I generally have a run
away process which
I cannot kill


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