[plug] Trying to delete a file

Andrew Barbara andrew at mailerdirect.net
Thu Feb 27 09:13:42 WST 2003

Hi All,
I was upgrading a xinetd on redhat 7.3 box last night and i came up to a 
brick wall, RPM failed because it could not rename the file 
so i went and tried to delete/rename the file, i cant even edit it!

the ls output is:

[root at server init.d]# ls -sal xinetd
   4 -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1617 Aug 27  2002 xinetd
[root at server init.d]#

so as you can see i have access to it, (Being root and all)
is there any more file permissions anywhere else?
I remember when cleaning a root kit off someones server we needed to 
remove some extra securities.

The error when i try and remove the rile is:

[root at server init.d]# rm xinetd
rm: remove write-protected file `xinetd'? y
rm: cannot unlink `xinetd': Operation not permitted
[root at server init.d]#


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