[plug] Wanted: dirt cheap wireless LAN

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Thu Jan 2 19:59:44 WST 2003

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 18:54:54 +0800 bob <bob at fots.org.au> wrote:

> http://ronja.jikos.cz/metropolis/

Someone at UCC had prepared artwork (possibly a slightly modified Ronja 
circuit). IIRC I think it was Matt (not K the other Matt).

Stretching the memory back, I think he was going to feed fibre optics but
the principle is the same.

Problem is, you said the cheapest. If you _don't_ ignore your time to do
all the optics construction, a wireless card, Cantenna, and AP is cheapest.
Maybe two Cantennas to keep the rest of the world out of your bandwidth ?? 

Alternatively, a pair of radio modems like these: 


I'm sure there are local companies that do these. Ah .. here they are ..

I've been to see them. They were in Malaga. I assume they still are.

If you are only going 120m then you will get a very high data rate from one
of their license free modems. I think you can adjust the RF power right down
for short hops.

In the end tho', WiFi bits are infinitly more recyclable into other projects.
But I speak with zero experience so you'd better ask Garry (HNY Mr B)


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