[plug] imaging HD

Mike Holland myk at plug.linux.org.au
Sat Jan 4 11:10:26 WST 2003

On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Craig Ringer wrote:

> I still trust tar more than cp, its less likely to get stuck on sockets 
> and named pipes. cp -R is good but I've still had issues.

Not just -R. Use "cp -a" to avoid those problems.
And if copying a live system, -x/--one-file-system to avoid /proc etc.

Are there any potentially nasty race conditions in copying a live, running 
linux system to a new HDD?  Assuming its just idling - no databases 
running, or sysadmin in progress, etc. Just the usual daemons.
Not that I would recommend it, am just curious.

    One seldom sees a monument to a committee.

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