Kirk Turner mlist at wagoonline.com
Thu Jan 9 17:36:27 WST 2003

XML Spy is great for XML and for XSL if you dont need to customize 
anything ... ie if your not making forms... I've tried it and with the 
first version basically ended up rewriting it all by hand which I cant 
have (although I find it a lot easier)...

I originally checked out the w3c site ... and had no success... I'm 
using TagFree 2000 XML Builder - and that seems ok - but since I work on 
linux I'd prefer one that ran there :) And was wondering if anyone had 
any luck with any.


Derek Fountain wrote:

>On Thursday 09 January 2003 08:45, Kirk Turner wrote:
>>Can anyone recommend a good WYSIWYG XSL designer, that is preferably
>>platform independent (but I'd be happy with a linux version as well).
>>Basicalkly I need something so that someone with virtually no knowledge
>>of html/xsl etc can design xml stylesheets.
>I used XML-Spy on Windows quite a lot. It's the best XML tool I know of, and 
>has a XSL designer. Not sure you could call it WYSIWYG, and XSL is hardly a 
>user facing technology in any case.
>No Linux version. :o( ... but there is (or at least, was) a 30 day trial ... 

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