[plug] Big new hdd in old pc

Tim Bowden bowden at iinet.net.au
Fri Jan 17 17:55:56 WST 2003

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 15:34, Richard Meyer wrote:

> Maybe I'm missing something here, but can't you define it in the BIOS as
> being 1Gb (or something - same geometry, except the cylinders are way less)
> and define /boot within that space, and it should then boot. The Linux
> kernels really don't care what the BIOS says, they know better. Remember a
Tried that.  No matter what I set the parameters to, the post would stop
at the ide detection routine when it came to the hdd, even when the bios
was told it wasn't there. Tried on hda, hdc, hdd with same result each
time.  Is this common bios behavior?  Happy to boot without the hdd no
matter what I told it was in there though.

Getting disappointed I can't seem to get around this bios.

Tim Bowden

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