[plug] 2/3 page article in The West Australian today!

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Jan 28 08:23:17 WST 2003


Linux creator Linus Torvalds was a surprise face in the crowd at a low-key 
technical conference in Perth last week. FRAN[K? :-] SPENCER caught up with 
the publicity-shy Finn for his views on open source adoption, Microsoft 
monopolies and penguins.

[Photo of Linus holding penguin head, caption `Linus Torvalds: Concerned at 
the effect of US intellectual property laws']

[Large bold quote: `If you're the dominant player it's really hard to attack 
something that's done by people who just like doing it.']

[2/3 of page 31 full of very positive text, only one obvious blooper (says 
Linus did not copyright code), not time to type it in just now, but this is 
worth quoting:]

    "It's not an anatomically correct penguin, it looks more like Daffy Duck
    had a wild night out with a penguin," he [Linus] said.

Cheers; Leon

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