[plug] [link] US Officials Stomp On Free Software In International Star Chamber

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Jan 28 08:28:58 WST 2003


    So, here's the deal: an assload of government ministerial officials
    from all over Asia are meeting in Tokyo this week to discuss the
    future of the Internet at the Information Society Regional Conference
    and gar gar gar.


    the Regional Conference came up with one of those declarations that
    big governmental conferences always do: lots of words about bridging
    the digital divide and closer cooperation and free ice cream for
    everyone. But they also had a declaration to "support" Open Source
    software development and deployment in their governments and regions.


    BUT, you see, BUT, there was a little hitch in the plan for everyone
    to put out their declaration and head back to their swanky hotels for
    a night of high-priced Japanese food-sex hookers. The hitch was that
    the US delegation -- delegates from the US Department of State,
    folks, people paid using our tax money -- demanded the removal of
    the clause for support of Open Source software. Apparently, the US
    government is OFFICIALLY AGAINST Free Software, and intends to block
    international efforts to support its use.

Cheers; Leon

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