[plug] LinuxChix (OT)

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 28 22:39:28 WST 2003

Hey up! Comments below. :)

Make lunch, not war.

>I have checked out LinuxChix which appears to be a US based
>(but with a couple of .au(Syd/Melb)chapters) fem network
>so I am considering starting a Perth/WA group ?

If you want, but it's probably a big responsibilty, hobby wise. I know that 
KDE has a women split off form its page, as for what it's all about, I'm not 
sure, I've not been.

>The whole "no women" in IT thing gets my blood pressure
>rising for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that
>to some extent it seems "localized" to Australia.
>(at least that has been my limited experience)
>What are we doing wrong.. apart from not getting girls aged 7
>into Linux.. (thanks Bdale) :)

Women aren't doing anything wrong, there's just a minority of wan... err, 
pimpled nerds, that have a superiority complex going. Personally I find the 
whole seperate page for women pointless, it's like black 
entertainment/favouring on American television etc. It's segregation, if 
white men were to start their own (politcally correct) movement, they'd be 
booed out of house and home, so why not a a mens' page or one for 
hermaphrodites? ;)

Either way, I'm not speaking too seriously here, but there's a lot of 
pointless feminism in areas where it's not needed and is really unfair to 
men in many ways. I'm opening uup a whole new can of worms here really, I'll 
move on. ;) The IT industry I don't personally as being 'no women', although 
I could be wrong, I am only 18 of course. You only have to look at Jaqueline 
McNally (I always get her first name wrong, I hope it's right this time) and 
Lucy Brooks to see how they advance in the IT area, these two dames garner 
maximum respect from all of us.

If the "no women" idea has come form a lack of women in the IT industry, it 
could simply be a matter of brain gender, hence women with typical female 
brain traits may simply be not as interested, that's what happens at the 
aviation course at Kent Street High School, there's not many girls simply 
because there's not as many interested as boys. In the same sense, there's 
an equal amount of tasks that the male brain simply wouldn't be interested 
in either.

I've waffled on here A LOT, but I'm basically trying to say that most of us 
have a deep amount of respect for women, the lack of women in IT is more up 
to women in general, but women are becoming more and more interested 
recently, and you'll see a large percentage of growth in the next decade. :)


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